Dr brownstein iodine recommendations
Dr brownstein iodine recommendations

dr brownstein iodine recommendations

After studying the literature on iodine, I realized what I was taught in medical school was incorrect. Specifically, we were taught that the iodization of salt was implemented to prevent goiter and therefore no further iodine was necessary in the diet. In medical school, little was taught about iodine. Shortly after this study, iodized salt was initiated which was a great success in eliminating goiter in the U.S. iodine study showing the decline of goiter formation with the use of iodine. The iodine/iodide treatment group had a 0.2% incidence of goiter while the control group had a 22% goiter-a 110x difference. Marine looked at two groups: a control group and a treatment group, which received 9mg/day of iodine/iodide. David Marine reported the benefits of treating school-aged children with iodine/iodide (Lugol’s solution) nearly 70 years ago. The research is clear that iodine deficiency can lead to cysts and nodules of the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency is often thought of as synonymous with thyroid malfunction, particularly with the development of goiter. Every patient could benefit from a thorough evaluation of their iodine levels. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that iodine deficiency sets up the immune system to malfunction which can lead to many of the above disorders developing. Most patients who are deficient in iodine will respond positively to iodine supplementation. These conditions include Fibromyalgia, thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome, autoimmune disorders as well as cancer. The illnesses that iodine/iodide has helped are many. When physiologic doses of iodine/iodide were added to their regimen, many of these patients showed dramatic improvement in their condition, especially patients who were non-responders, even though some were taking SSKI. Many of these patients were already being treated by me for thyroid and other endocrine imbalances, including SSKI. After testing over 500 patients, I found that 94.7% of my patients are deficient in inorganic iodine. Although I expected lowered body iodine levels, I was not ready for the magnitude of the results. One and a half years ago, I began testing my patients for the loading test. Abraham was instrumental in teaching me about iodine. This started me on a long journey of researching and learning all that I could about iodine deficiency and iodine supplementation. I was intrigued at the idea of not only measuring body iodine levels but using a combination of iodine and iodide rather than using iodide alone. In addition, the article describes the detoxification effects of the toxic halogens, bromide and fluoride when iodine is in the orthoiodosupplementation range. Guy Abraham described the iodine/iodide loading test and its value at assessing whole body sufficiency for iodine. Part I: A Doctor’s Introduction and Education about the Clinical Uses of Iodine.Īpproximately one and a half years ago, I read a letter to the editor in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients titled "Iodine Supplementation Markedly Increases Urinary Excretion of Fluoride and Bromide".

dr brownstein iodine recommendations dr brownstein iodine recommendations dr brownstein iodine recommendations


This article will be divided into 2 parts: Part I will describe a doctor’s (your author) introduction and education about the clinical uses of iodine while Part 2 of this article will give the reader ‘clinical pearls’ about how to integrate and use iodine in their practice. This article was written to assist the reader in implementing orthoiodosupplementation in their practice. Some patients did improve, but many did not notice any appreciable improvement. Although I long suspected iodine deficiency in many of my patients, my initial uses of potassium iodide gave suboptimal results. Michigan resides in the Goiter Belt of the United States where the soil is deficient in iodine. I have a holistic family practice in West Bloomfield, Michigan. I have been interested in iodine supplementation for years. Clinical Experience with Inorganic Non-radioactive Iodine/Iodide

Dr brownstein iodine recommendations